Saturday 25th May

by | May 24, 2024 | Evangelium

Pope Saint Gregory VII

(1020 – 1085)


He was born in Tuscany. He became a monk and assisted several Popes in reforming and purifying the Church. He was elected pope in 1073 and took the name of Gregory VII. He fought single-mindedly to free the Church from harmful influences and dependence on the state.

Entrance Antiphon: Ps 12: 6            

O Lord, I trust in your merciful love. My heart will rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me.


Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, always pondering spiritual things, we may carry out in both word and deed that which is pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

First reading: James 5:13-20            

If any one of you is in trouble, he should pray; if anyone is feeling happy, he should sing a psalm. If one of you is ill, he should send for the elders of the church, and they must anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord and pray over him. The prayer of faith will save the sick man and the Lord will raise him up again; and if he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. So confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, and this will cure you; the heartfelt prayer of a good man works very powerfully. Elijah was a human being like ourselves – he prayed hard for it not to rain, and no rain fell for three-and-a-half years; then he prayed again and the sky gave rain and the earth gave crops. My brothers, if one of you strays away from the truth, and another brings him back to it, he may be sure that anyone who can bring back a sinner from the wrong way that he has taken will be saving a soul from death and covering up a great number of sins.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm: 140(141):1-3,8

R/ Let my prayer come before you like incense, O Lord.

I have called to you, Lord; hasten to help me! Hear my voice when I cry to you. Let my prayer arise before you like incense, the raising of my hands like an evening oblation.

Set, O Lord, a guard over my mouth;  keep watch, O Lord, at the door of my lips! To you, Lord God, my eyes are turned:  in you I take refuge; spare my soul!

Gospel Acclamation: Mt11:25         

Alleluia, alleluia! Blessed are you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the mysteries of the kingdom to mere children. Alleluia!

Gospel: Mark 10:13-16      

People were bringing little children to Jesus, for him to touch them. The disciples turned them away, but when Jesus saw this he was indignant and said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. I tell you solemnly, anyone who does not welcome the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.’ Then he put his arms round them, laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing.

Prayer over the Offerings   

As we celebrate your mysteries, O Lord, with the observance that is your due, we humbly ask you, that what we offer to the honour of your majesty may profit us for salvation. Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon: Ps 9: 2-3     

I will recount all your wonders, I will rejoice in you and be glad, and sing psalms to your name, O Most High.

Prayer after Communion   

Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we may experience the effects of the salvation which is pledged to us by these mysteries. Through Christ our Lord.


Prayer is a powerful weapon in the hands of a Christian. It can move mountains; through it, we can obtain anything from God. Let us, therefore, pray without ceasing. But how should we pray? The prayer that brings God’s favour is the prayer that is made with the confidence of a child. A child trusts his parents completely; he never doubts that they can provide him with all he needs. When we pray, we should present ourselves before God our Father, like children who trust in his love and capacity to provide for all our needs. Let us learn to pray like children, with faith and total confidence in the providence of God.