We gladly announce that Evangelium Bible Diary 2021 is in circulation. In this edition’s preface you will read what is mentioned below:
People of God, my dear sons and daughters in the faith in Jesus-Christ our Lord,
Behold the coming of new days wherein the Word of God and His life-giving Spirit renew in us the eagerness to follow Him and wakes us even more boldly to the call, ‘‘Do not be afraid!’’
Very often we wander far away from God in our torments, bewilderment, weariness and worries, letting ourselves to be overwhelmed by doubt and fear. Memories of the dreadful COVID-19 are still a current reality, just as are the trials we have each lived to date! Despite all these happenings that bring to mind thoughts of our fatality, the time has come for us to rebound from Christ. We must set off again from Christ because we have doubted and strayed from His precepts under the pressure of the vicissitudes and hazards that plague us. We, therefore, necessarily have to adhere to Christ and renew our engagement with fervour on the path of conversion, bearing in mind the perspective of renewing our Christian life.
Attaining such a goal could only be possible if we assiduously and continuously listen to the Word of God. Once again, Evangelium 2021 brings the Word to us as a daily companion, placing it at the head of all our projects. St. John Paul II said in Novo millennio ineunte, n. 39 that for the Christian, listening to the Word should be a vital meeting with the biblical word that yields him the living word which in turn challenges, directs and moulds his existence. With the Claretian Missionaries’ 2021 Bible Diary, an effort we encourage, the Christian, henceforth, has the Word of God as a daily companion that dissipates his daily fears, a friend that can make his life a perpetual gift and refresh, not only his longing for sainthood, but also the expression of his love according to God’s heart.
Thanks to the Holy Spirit who illuminates the faithful, the Church has always overcome challenges that overburden her. Jesus’ cry on the Cross, ‘‘Why have you abandoned me?’’ (Mk. 15, 34) rises to heaven for all those who shoulder personal, community or societal sufferings. This is why a Christian is called upon to always set off again from Christ to renew himself after His trial. The first great principle of this renewal is going back to the Gospel (Perfectae caritatis, n. 2).
May the Word of God accompany the projects of those who fight against fear and discouragement. May His Spirit awaken the faith of those who are burdened by hopelessness and suffering, so that 2021 may be, for God’s people, a rebirth and renewing of the ardour of their faith which nothing can shake, not even calamities and pandemics, as long as God is its fortress.