Saint Casimir (1458 – 1484)
Psalter: Week IV
He was the second son of King Casimir IV of Poland. He assiduously cultivated the Christian virtues, especially chastity and generosity to the poor. He died of tuberculosis on 4 March 1484.
Entrance Antiphon: Cf. Ps 17: 19-20
The Lord became my protector. He brought me out to a place of freedom; he saved me because he delighted in me.
Grant us, O Lord, we pray, that the course of our world may be directed by your peaceful rule and that your Church may rejoice, untroubled in her devotion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
First reading: Ecclesiasticus 35:2-15
A man multiplies offerings by keeping the Law; he offers communion sacrifices by following the commandments. By showing gratitude he makes an offering of fine flour, by giving alms he offers a sacrifice of praise. Withdraw from wickedness and the Lord will be pleased, withdraw from injustice and you make atonement. Do not appear empty-handed in the Lord’s presence; for all these things are due under the commandment. A virtuous man’s offering graces the altar, and its savour rises before the Most High. A virtuous man’s sacrifice is acceptable, its memorial will not be forgotten. Honour the Lord with generosity, do not stint the first-fruits you bring. Add a smiling face to all your gifts, and be cheerful as you dedicate your tithes. Give to the Most High as he has given to you, generously as your means can afford; for the Lord is a good rewarder, he will reward you seven times over. Offer him no bribe, he will not accept it, do not put your faith in an unvirtuous sacrifice; since the Lord is a judge who is no respecter of personages.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 49(50):5-8,14,23
R/ I will show God’s salvation to the upright.
‘Summon before me my people who made covenant with me by sacrifice.’ The heavens proclaim his justice, for he, God, is the judge.
‘Listen, my people, I will speak; Israel, I will testify against you, for I am God, your God. I accuse you, lay the charge before you. I find no fault with your sacrifices, your offerings are always before me.
Pay your sacrifice of thanksgiving to God and render him your votive offerings. A sacrifice of thanksgiving honours me and I will show God’s salvation to the upright.’
Gospel Acclamation: Ph2:15-16
Alleluia, alleluia! You will shine in the world like bright stars because you are offering it the word of life. Alleluia!
Gospel: Ph2:15-16 ≈
At that time Peter began to tell Jesus, ‘What about us? We have left everything and followed you.’ Jesus said, ‘I tell you solemnly, there is no one who has left house, brothers, sisters, father, children or land for my sake and for the sake of the gospel who will not be repaid a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and land – not without persecutions – now in this present time and, in the world to come, eternal life. ‘Many who are first will be last, and the last first.’
Prayer over the Offerings
O God, who provide gifts to be offered to your name and count our oblations as signs of our desire to serve you with devotion, we ask of your mercy that what you grant as the source of merit may also help us to attain merit’s reward. Through Christ our Lord.
Communion Antiphon: Cf. Ps 12: 6
I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me, sing psalms to the name of the Lord Most High.
Prayer after Communion
Nourished by your saving gifts, we beseech your mercy, Lord, that by this same Sacrament with which you feed us in the present age, you may make us partakers of life eternal. Through Christ our Lord.
The natural consequence of having a Messiah like Jesus, working miracles, and liberating people is to garner followers. However, Jesus seeks disciples who are not just followers at any cost but those willing to consider the sacrifices involved without expecting immediate rewards just for following Him. Those who make sacrifices for the sake of the Gospel will find ample reward, both in this life and in the life to come. This assurance extends to everyone who chooses to follow Jesus, with the added promise of strengthened faith especially during periods of persecution at different times of our lives. While the reward is guaranteed, the passage does not lay emphasis only on the reward itself, lest we lose focus on the task at hand.