Wednesday 26th February

by | Feb 25, 2025 | Evangelium

Saint Alexander of Alexandria

(250 – 328)

Psalter: Week III


Alexander played an important role in the growth of the catechetical school at Alexandria. He fought against the heretical teachings of Arius. Alexander died in 328.

Entrance Antiphon: Ps 12: 6          

O Lord, I trust in your merciful love. My heart will rejoice in your salvation. I will sing to the Lord who has been bountiful with me.


Grant, we pray, almighty God, that, always pondering spiritual things, we may carry out in both word and deed that which is pleasing to you. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

First reading: Ecclesiasticus 4:12-22

Wisdom brings up her own sons, and cares for those who seek her. Whoever loves her loves life, those who wait on her early will be filled with happiness. Whoever holds her close will inherit honour,  and wherever he walks the Lord will bless him. Those who serve her minister to the Holy One, and the Lord loves those who love her. Whoever obeys her judges aright, and whoever pays attention to her dwells secure. If he trusts himself to her he will inherit her, and his descendants will remain in possession of her; for though she takes him at first through winding ways, bringing fear and faintness on him, plaguing him with her discipline until she can trust him,  and testing him with her ordeals, in the end she will lead him back to the straight road  and reveal her secrets to him. If he wanders away she will abandon him, and hand him over to his fate.

Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118(119):165,168,171-172,174-175

R/ The lovers of your law have great peace, O Lord.

The lovers of your law have great peace; they never stumble. I obey your precepts and your will; all that I do is before you.

Let my lips proclaim your praise because you teach me your statutes. Let my tongue sing your promise for your commands are just.

Lord, I long for your saving help  and your law is my delight. Give life to my soul that I may praise you.  Let your decrees give me help.

Gospel Acclamation: Jn14:6       

Alleluia, alleluia! I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, says the Lord; No one can come to the Father except through me. Alleluia!

Gospel: Mark 9:38-40     

John said to Jesus, ‘Master, we saw a man who is not one of us casting out devils in your name; and because he was not one of us we tried to stop him.’ But Jesus said, ‘You must not stop him: no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us is for us.’

Prayer over the Offerings              

As we celebrate your mysteries, O Lord, with the observance that is your due, we humbly ask you, that what we offer to the honour of your majesty may profit us for salvation. Through Christ our Lord.

Communion Antiphon: Ps 9: 2-3  

I will recount all your wonders, I will rejoice in you and be glad, and sing psalms to your name, O Most High.

Prayer after Communion              

Grant, we pray, almighty God, that we may experience the effects of the salvation which is pledged to us by these mysteries. Through Christ our Lord


As a multitude prays for and works toward the unity of Christians across different denominations, a significant number remains closed to the breath of God’s spirit. The abuses and scandals committed in the name of Jesus are alarming. Moreover, with the proliferation of new religious movements all invoking the name of Jesus, one may wonder who the right prophet or pastor is to follow. It is sad to witness the mutual exclusion practised by many of these churches: prohibiting marriages ‘outside of this church’; restricting shared meals with those of differing faiths, asserting that every other church is on the wrong track, and insisting on reading only specific versions of the Bible, dismissing others as lies.  How is it that in the same name of Jesus, Christians tend to foster division instead of seeking understanding? Recognising that no one is perfect, Ecumenism remains a cherished path to follow. However, the Word of God and the unity of Jesus’ disciples should never be compromised.