Saint Frederick
He was Bishop of Utrecht between 816 and 838. Frederick was born around 780 in Friesland and was a grandson of the Frisian King Radboud. He preached at Walcheren and together with St. Odulfus in Stavoren and its surroundings.
Entrance Antiphon : Cf. Ps 16:15
As for me, in justice I shall behold your face; I shall be filled with the vision of your glory.
O God, who show the light of your truth to those who go astray so that they may return to the right path, give all who, for the faith they profess, are accounted Christians, the grace to reject whatever is contrary to the name of Christ and to strive after all that does it honour. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
First reading : Isaiah 26:7-9,12,16-19
The path of the upright man is straight, you smooth the way of the upright Following the path of your judgements, we hoped in you, O Lord. Your name, your memory are all my soul desires. At night my soul longs for you and my spirit in me seeks for you; when your judgements appear on earth the inhabitants of the world learn the meaning of integrity. O Lord, you are giving us peace, since you treat us as our deeds deserve. Distressed, we search for you, O Lord; the misery of oppression was your punishment for us. As a woman with child near her time writhes and cries out in her pangs, so are we, O Lord, in your presence: we have conceived, we writhe as if we were giving birth; we have not given the spirit of salvation to the earth, no more inhabitants of the world are born. Your dead will come to life, their corpses will rise; awake, exult, all you who lie in the dust, for your dew is a radiant dew and the land of ghosts will give birth.
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 101:13-21
R/ The Lord looked down from heaven to the earth.
You, O Lord, will endure for ever and your name from age to age. You will arise and have mercy on Zion: for this is the time to have mercy, for your servants love her very stones, are moved with pity even for her dust.
The nations shall fear the name of the Lord and all the earth’s kings your glory, when the Lord shall build up Zion again and appear in all his glory. Then he will turn to the prayers of the helpless; he will not despise their prayers.
Let this be written for ages to come that a people yet unborn may praise the Lord; for the Lord leaned down from his sanctuary on high. He looked down from heaven to the earth that he might hear the groans of the prisoners and free those condemned to die.
Gospel Acclamation : cf.Ps129:5
Alleluia, alleluia! My soul is waiting for the Lord, I count on his word. Alleluia!
Gospel : Matthew 11:28-30
Jesus exclaimed, ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’
Prayer over the Offerings
Look upon the offerings of the Church, O Lord, as she makes her prayer to you, and grant that, when consumed by those who believe, they may bring ever greater holiness. Through Christ our Lord.
Communion Antiphon : Cf. Ps 83: 4-5
The sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for her young: by your altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they who dwell in your house, for ever singing your praise.
Prayer after Communion
Having consumed these gifts, we pray, O Lord, that, by our participation in this mystery, its saving effects upon us may grow. Through Christ our Lord.
We have a wonderful God who understands us and comes to lighten our burden in moments of our sorrows and difficulties! He knows we are weak and are often overburdened. That’s why he invites us to come to him: “Come to me … and I will give you rest.” But how often his people forget this and go after other people and things, hoping to get some help. Experience teaches them, however, and us too, that others are of no help. Only Jesus can help us. Even Mr. Gorbachev, one of the former Presidents of Russia, confessed: “Only in Jesus Christ we have solution to our problems.” Yes, only in Jesus and not in any other or in anything else. Whatever may be your burdens—sins or any problems—do not worry; turn to Jesus, trust in him and repent; he is full of mercy and compassion and he will forgive you; he will help you and strengthen you. He is the all-powerful One who loves you unconditionally.