The spiritual center of Our Lady of Perpetual Help welcomes yesterday, Sunday, the Claretian missionaries who have come from various missions for the celebration of their fourth ordinary assembly which will last 6 days and will see the establishment of a new government.
“We cannot negotiate our relationship with Christ if we want to be daring in the mission”. A sentence that echoes the theme chosen for this fourth assembly of the Independent Delegation of Cameroon, in its spiritual aspect.
It resonated as a remedy to the spiritual diagnosis conducted during Lauds by the Very Reverend Father Joseph Mbungu, Prefect General of Formation of the Congregation. The Claretian Missionaries of the Delegation of Cameroon have been making their gradual entry into the first day of their 6-day Ordinary Assembly with a recollection.
After arriving yesterday, Sunday, at the spiritual center of NOTRE DAME DU PERPÉTUEL SECOURS in the diocese of Mbalmayo, the Claretian Missionaries of Cameroon, in the presence of two members of the general government who came for this great event, received the visit of the bishop of this diocese, Mgr Joseph Marie Ndi Okalla. And it must be said here, that the Claretians collaborate on the mission in this diocese. There is the Claretian Novitiate Anton Probst and the parish run by the Claretians in Nsen nlong.
Other highlights of the day were the speeches of the Major Superior, TRP Jude Thaddeus Langeh Basebang, cmf, followed by the reading of the message of the Superior General, Matthew Vatamattham, and the speech of the Very Reverend Father Henri Omonisaye, president of this 4th Ordinary Assembly, whose theme is evocative
ENRACINED IN CHRIST AND AUDACIOUS FOR THE MISSION: for a delegation at the service of reconciliation, justice, and peace.
Thomas d’Aquin Mvondo, cmf . CLARCOCam.